The BPC is made stronger by its 100+ volunteers who share their time and talents among our active teams: Citizen Science, Pond Education, Communications, Events, and Pond and Neighborhood Outreach. To say thank you for all their hard work in 2024, they were invited to attend a Volunteer Appreciation Party. Forty volunteers attended the festive event on Saturday, October 19, at the Art Center on the Sea Camps property.
Guests were treated to a luncheon, music provided by BPC Board member John Keith, and raffle prizes donated by BPC business partners Ace Hardware, Crocker Nurseries, Ocean Edge Resort & Golf Club, and Woodworks Gallery. BPC President Susan Bridges shared the citation received from the State of Massachusetts House of Representatives, congratulating the organization for its 10th year anniversary and continued works to protect and improve the health of Brewster’s ponds through science, education, and advocacy. The BPC wishes to thank the Select Board for permitting the use of the Sea Camps Art Center for this special event. Help the BPC and BCT Protect Our Community's Water Resources at the Long Pond Sea Camps Properties10/7/2024
Out of shared concern for the protection of our community's water resources, the joint Boards of the Brewster Ponds Coalition (BPC) and the Brewster Conservation Trust (BCT) voted to approve a resolution, sent to the Select Board on September 28, 2024, which:
BPC President Susan Bridges and BCT President Charlie Sumner attended the Sea Camps Property Advisory Commission meeting on September 30, 2024, during which this resolution was mentioned. You can read more here about the comments made in this article written in The Cape Cod Chronicle. Prior to the resolution, the BPC Board of Directors sent a letter to the Select Board on August 14, 2024, outlining its concerns regarding the plan to build 40+ units of affordable housing on the Long Pond Sea Camps property. The main points of that letter (available here) are:
The BCT and BPC are currently developing a communications plan to educate Brewster residents about our concerns. In the meantime, we hope you will join us in support of a town-wide feasibility study to identify the best locations for housing and in closely monitoring proposed plans for managing wastewater related to development of affordable housing on the Long Pond property. |
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