The Brewster Ponds Coalition completed its first strategic plan in 2018. Since then, it has been reviewed annually and updated, most recently in 2023. The annual review process has made our strategic plan a living document, ever adapting to new opportunities to fulfill our mission and continuously expanding the Board’s perspective with new ideas, raising awareness of gaps and limitations, and inspiring the Board to continue to grow and move forward in service to the community.
The result is a strategic plan with a set of long-term goals and action plans for each planning area. These resources provide more information:
The 2023 Strategic Plan identifies eight key issues and presents a series of Action Plans developed to ensure that our initial success will continue and give BPC a strong foundation to respond to future opportunities and needs.
The 2018 Strategic Plan Executive Summary overviews the strategic planning process and each planning priority area's long-term goals and action plans.
The 2018 Strategic Plan Appendix details the underlying actions to achieve each planning area's long-term objectives.
The Brewster Ponds Coalition By-Laws describe the articles that guide the BPC's activities.