Photo: A PALS Tester Collecting a Water Sample Spring PALS Testing April 16-26, 2018 PALS (Ponds And Lake Stewards) water quality testing begins during the second week of April, 2018. This important program, managed by Ryan Burch at the Brewster DNR, helps establish a baseline of water quality data over time for Brewster Ponds. Many BPC members participate but more volunteers are always needed. Learn how to perform the test and collect water samples. It's easy! Contact Ryan Burch today at [email protected]. Photo: 2017 BPC Beautify Brewster Team Beautify Brewster Team
Saturday April 28, 2018 10:00 am - 12:00 pm: Roadside Cleanup 12:00 pm - 2:00 pm: Thank You Lunch at Brewster Baptist Church Spring means it's time for Beautify Brewster, the annual roadside cleanup to keep our watersheds and ponds clean. Join the BPC team of volunteers, and don vests and gloves, feel the sunshine, and pick up bags of trash along our scenic route on Slough and Satucket Roads. You'll see Slough, Walkers, Pine, and Elbow Ponds at various points along the way! And enjoy a free thank you lunch afterwards at the Brewster Baptist Church! To volunteer: Email your name and email address to: [email protected] or call 508-258-9801. We'll email you meeting and parking information prior to the event. The annual event, sponsored by the Town of Brewster Department of Natural Resources, picks up thousand of pounds of trash and hundreds of recyclables. The Town and business sponsors will provide lunch, trash bags, gloves, and safety vests as needed, but feel free to bring your own 'pick up' device, gloves and vest. |
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