Click here to watch Tom Vautin, President and Gwen Pelletier, Treasurer and Clerk, of the Brewster Ponds Coalition in an interview by Susan Lindquist on the program The Place Matters. The videotape of George Heufelder's very informative presentation: The Future of Septic Systems on Cape Cod is now available. To watch, click here.
Our thanks to Jim Holland and Allison Argo who videotaped and edited this great program. Brewster Ponds Coalition Board members tour MASSTC facilities - July 2016 COME EARLY: INTEREST IS HIGH AND SEATING IS LIMITED!
Our snowed-out talk has been rescheduled! "The Future of Septic Systems" by George Heufelder Tuesday, May 9th at the Brewster Ladies Library, 1822 Main Street, Rt 6A Brewster, MA The Brewster Ponds Coalition hosts an informative presentation by George Heufelder, entitled "The Future of Septic Systems" by George Heufelder, MS, RS,, who is the Director of the Massachusetts Alternative Septic System Test Center – (link here:, and is responsible for conducting research on septic system treatment for nutrients, pathogens and contaminants of emerging concern. Septic systems are a key contributor of nutrients that are fouling Cape Cod waters. New technologies, now being proven at the MASSTC property on Cape Cod, show great promise. Learn about what technologies are being tested and what systems look ready for prime time. The program is free to Brewster Ponds Coalition members. All others $5 suggested contribution. The Brewster Ponds Coalition is a 501(C) 3 charitable non profit organization. To volunteer and become a member, visit, or telephone 508-258-9801 |
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