![]() Wonder what all those weeds are in your favorite pond? Think that some of them just shouldn't be there? Find out what should and shouldn't be in Brewster's ponds as the Brewster Pond's Coalition presents the fourth in its pond education program series entitled: Weed Watchers Workshop – taking place on Saturday, June 6, 2015 at 10 AM at First Parish Brewster, 1969 Main Street, (RT 6A) Brewster, and presented in collaboration with the First Parish Brewster Environmental Action Committee. “Citizens are the first line of defense in fighting exotic invasive plants,” said Karen Malkus-Benjamin, Brewster Ponds Coalition Board President. “If these plants are found early, there is a better chance they can be removed,” she said. “If they become established, they can be almost impossible to remove and very expensive. By monitoring our ponds, we take an active role in protecting them for the future,” she said.
The program will be presented by Tom Flannery, Aquatic Ecologist for the Mass Department of Conservation and Recreation - Lakes and Ponds program. The 2 hour class will begin with an introduction to the invasive non-native species issue, how exotic species are introduced into our waterways, methods of dispersal, basic terminology, and guidance on monitoring and completing plant surveys. The remaining 3/4 of the class will entail hands-on identification. A variety of non-native and native plant species are provided. People are encouraged to bring plant samples from local ponds. On May 16th at 10AM, The Brewster Ponds Coalition presents an educational program entitled POND-FRIENDLY LANDSCAPING at the Brewster Ladies Library, 1822 Main St, Brewster, MA.
Learn what you can do as a homeowner to reduce pond pollutants on your own property and simultaneously create beautiful landscapes. Discover how to build a rain garden that minimizes run-off and lowers the risk of pathogens and nutrients from entering ponds. Identify ways to eliminate toxins from entering pond waters and eventually your drinking water. “Many homeowners do not know the important role they can play in improving pond water quality,” said Brewster Ponds Coalition President, Karen Malkus-Benjamin. “Even if you don’t live next to a pond, creating landscaping that allows water to infiltrate instead of running-off will help ponds and water quality,” she said. “Preventing polluted stormwater from going down the storm drain - which often leads directly to a pond or the bay, is important. Diverting run-off away from ponds and allowing rainwater to filter through native plants helps to protect water quality. It also creates healthy habitat for pollinators and discourages geese who like open areas,” she said. “Pond front property owners can also play an important role by adding vegetative barriers that preserve their view and beautify their yard, plus add a level of natural treatment for stormwater,” she said. Presenters include: Sue Phelan, a founder and director of GreenCAPE, a nonprofit community advocacy organization, formed in 1998, whose goal is to educate the public about the hazards of pesticides and other harmful chemicals above the Cape’s vulnerable water supply and to encourage/inform Cape Codders about safer alternatives to chemical use. She has been an enthusiastic organic gardener for 45 years (and a beekeeper for 27), having been converted after reading Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring. After working as a medical microbiologist for many years, Sue returned to the University of Connecticut’s College of Agriculture where she graduated from the Environmental Horticulture program. Subsequently, she conducted research and development on insect pheromones and light mediated changes in plant growth and development. Barbara Conolly, A Massachusetts Certified Landscape Professional and owner of Gardens by Barbara Conolly, Inc. a design, installation, and management firm. Barbara brings a unique blend of knowledge and experience in the art and science of sustainable garden design and management. She is a certified Landscape for Life trainer and teaches professional training courses for The Massachusetts Association of Landscape Professionals and The Cape Cod Landscape Association. Barbara earned a Bachelor of Science degree, cum laude, in horticulture and a master’s degree in Public Garden Leadership, both from Cornell University, lauded as the top global university for plant science (US News and World Report 2014). Barbara is a lifetime member of Pi Alpha Xi, the National Horticulture Honorary. Her original research is published in The Journal of Environmental Horticulture, and Public Garden. Matt Rusnak and Frank DeLeo of Americorps share work for pond restoration including their recent project - Boland Pond, Orleans. |
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