Let's all be prepared for the Fall 2023 Brewster Special Town Meeting! Attend this informative session hosted by the BPC about the four articles relating to Brewster’s water quality issues. Wednesday, November 1, 2023 6:00 - 8:00 PM Brewster Council on Aging 1673 Main Street, Brewster The Brewster Ponds Coalition invites you to come learn more about the four articles relating to water quality issues in the Town of Brewster, which will be voted upon at our upcoming Special Town Meeting on November 13. 1. Ponds Management Plan & Pilot Pond Study: Professional services and costs for development of a town-wide pond management plan and related pond pilot studies - to be funded from Free Cash/Water Quality Stabilization - $100,000 2. Herring River Watershed Permit: Professional services and costs for development of the Town’s planned Herring River Watershed Permit, including analysis of future build-out potential - to be funded from the Water Quality Stabilization - $50,000 3. Drainage/Road Maintenance: Professional services for engineering, permitting, and construction associated with road maintenance and drainage - to be funded from Free Cash - $250,000 4. Local Comprehensive Plan (LCP): To see if the Town will vote to adopt an updated Master Plan for Brewster which has been developed by the Vision Planning Committee, a copy of which plan is on file at the Town Clerk's office and posted on the Town's website, and which plan if adopted by the Town Meeting would constitute Brewster’s Local Comprehensive Plan as defined in Section 9 of the Cape Cod Commission Act (Chapter 716 of the Acts of 1989). Or take any other action relative thereto. Susan Bridges, President of the BPC, and Sharon Tennstedt, LCP committee chair, will be providing background about each of these articles, answer questions about each, and explain why your vote is important. Please plan to join us on Wednesday, November 1. Registration is appreciated, but not required. Photograph of the 2021 town vote for the purchase of the Cape Cod Sea Camps, courtesy of William F. Pomeroy.
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