We are excited to announce that our volunteer citizen scientist cyanobacteria testing program will kick off soon. With a watchful eye on the COVID landscape we will move forward using proper safety protocol. All volunteers will need to be fully vaccinated prior to beginning sampling, wear a mask and gloves, and keep a safe social distance. We will continue to follow the Centers for Disease Control and Massachusetts guidelines. The time commitment per week is approximately 1.5 hours per pond. Our plan is to test 15-18 ponds, dependent on volunteer participation. Volunteers will form a three-person team, with two sampling at a time. Each team will be assigned to a specific pond(s) for the season. If an individual or a team is interested in sampling at more than one pond, please let us know. Also, if you are a member of a pond association group, please let us know and we'll look to assign you to your pond. Next step:
The Citizen Science team is an important part of the BPC community. We commend you and value your public service in helping achieve our mission. Please look for our next update later this month. EMAIL OR CALL US TO JOIN THE TEAM!! Marty Burke - [email protected] (508) 344-7174 Comments are closed.
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