The First Membership Appreciation Breakfast was held on Saturday, February 27th. About forty members and their guests attended. After fueling up with breakfast and coffee, Tom Vautin, BPC President, kicked-off the meeting with a brief presentation about current goals and upcoming activities. Next, Board member, Dawn Walnut, led the group through a brainstorming exercise to discuss ‘What can (and should) the Brewster Ponds Coalition do?”
First everyone worked alone, listing their ideas on a sheet of paper, and then cut their ideas into strips. Then, each table reviewed and sorted their ideas, and a representative shared their table’s top three ideas with the group. Dawn jotted all the ideas on a flip chart, and finally everyone voted for their three favorite ideas with sticky notes. The most popular entries had an educational theme: - Publish a good pond practices booklet for Brewster property owners - Post informational signage at town landings - Create more education and outreach programs These suggestions are just the tip of the iceberg. There are a multitude of suggestions—7+ pages of notes for the board to consider! A number of members volunteered for various activities from the membership work group, and pond testing, fundraising—just to name a few. If you have not yet done so, you can volunteer online by clicking here. Thanks to those who attended! It was to fun to meet everyone and get valuable input about the Coalition’s direction. Comments are closed.
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